Signal Fire Outdoor Residency
My trip with Signal Fire is coming up in just over two months and I could not be more delighted. Signal Fire is an arts organization out of Portland, Ore., that connects artists to the natural world in a spirit of collaboration and reverence. Each year, they produce a variety of opportunities for artists to engage with each other in wild nature. This July, I’ll travel to the Wallowa Mountains (the Eagle Cap Wilderness, to be exact) of eastern Oregon for seven days to backpack with twelve other artists in this incredible, wild land. Right now I am savoring all the unknowns, from weather to terrain to the distinct chemistry that arises among a group immersed together in the wild. I plan to write (longhand, gasp!) and explore the parallel threads of my own journey on foot with that of one of the main characters in The Gyre, my novel-in-progress. Thank you, Signal Fire!